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The right place for you

Hello and a warm welcome to you on behalf of certified Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioners worldwide! Our mission is to create a kinder, safer world through increasing emotional wellbeing in people via Gentle Trauma Release© work.

One person at a time. One healing at a time.

You have come to the right place if:


You suspect that you carry some trauma in your body because of what you went through in life. You are positive that some of the events in your life affected you in a negative way.


You wonder if there is actually something that can be done about your trauma and the challenges that are the result of it.  Perhaps you’re not sure if there is hope for someone like you… 


You would like to find a doable, gentle way of releasing trauma from your body, come back home to yourself and get your life back so that you can start living fully. 

You have come to the right place! Because with the right support, there truly is light at the end of the trauma tunnel.  

No one was born to suffer...

No one was born to be haunted by what happened to them. None of us were designed to live a small life  because of the unfortunate, painful events we encountered in our lives. There is a way to break free from the suffering caused by trauma. 

What isTrauma?

In essence, trauma means that something happened, you experienced a sense of threat and it shocked your system.

Trauma is a highly individual experience: car accidents, rape, betrayal, scary diagnosis, abandonment, public humiliation, living with chronic pain, being bullied, emotional abuse, job loss, physical assault, suicide in the family, scary medical procedure, natural disaster, loss of a loved one, neglect, being gaslighted… Regardless of the origins, the expressions of trauma are diverse and unique to each person.

Here are some nuggets to keep in mind when it comes to trauma:

Trauma  is about so much more than PTSD or coming home from a war. Trauma is the result of any situation where one’s safety or integrity were threatened. Be it physically or emotionally.

Just  because one doesn’t officially qualify for a PTSD diagnosis or other trauma-related diagnoses, doesn’t mean that they are symptom-free when it comes to trauma. 

Unresolved trauma is a particular feeling that something is very wrong…with life, with us. There is fear that this will never be resolved.  

Carrying  trauma affects  one’s ability to cope with life with resiliency, to feel connected to life and to other people…even the ones we love. 

There is no or very little sense of a bright future for a traumatized person. It feels like the future is just the repetition of the past. Painful, bothersome past.

Inability to experience joy and happiness is a tell-tale sign of trauma. This is because you feel like another catastrophe is waiting for you right around the corner.

Simply put : Trauma creates changes that we didn’t choose for ourselves. Changes that have negative impacts or adverse effects in many areas of our lives…if not all. We adjust to survive. But life is meant to be lived!  

This affects many …

So many people walk around with trauma in their system without knowing it…let alone having an idea of what to do with it.

What is Gentle Trauma Release©?

Gentle Trauma Release© is a body of work presented as an elegant system of simple, healing protocols and interventions designed to facilitate a deep and reliable trauma release and a lasting healing from trauma. It has the power to restore individuals back to their natural state of well-being and balance! 

Gentle Trauma Release© is science-based, integrating therapeutic and healing modalities that have stood the test of time.



This video explains what the Gentle Trauma Release© is about.

The truth is: it’s not necessary to prolong the emotional suffering caused by trauma. It is possible to release trauma from one’s system for good…with the right kind of tools and support. 

The Origin

Gentle Trauma Release©  is the work and legacy of Izabela Viskupova, LLM, M.A. Psychology. It is based on Izabela’s study and research combining multidisciplinary areas such as Psychology, Evolutionary Biology, Counselling, Behavioral Neuroscience, Therapy and Coaching. 

After years of intensive client work and refining her approach to releasing trauma within her coaching practice, Izabela developed the Gentle Trauma Release Method© – an eloquent system to help individuals release their traumas in a powerful, efficient and reliable way, ultimately leading to sustainable emotional wellbeing.

The Gentle Trauma Release Method© was born out of three breakthrough insights Izabela gained in her client practice and in her position as a teacher: 


Insight #1: Trauma is a bodily response to threat. Having an intellectual insight or understanding of the situation alone is just not enough to resolve trauma. We can’t  talk trauma away…Therefore, every attempt to release and heal trauma has to engage the body.


Insight #2: When releasing trauma, it’s important to engage the body in a very specific way: the need to kinesthetically experience safety. If we can activate visceral sensations that the body interprets as safety, we can facilitate a deep and long-lasting trauma release


Insight #3: Traumatic symptoms go above and beyond the official trauma-based diagnoses. For the sake of people’s wellbeing, it’s necessary to recognize and validate a wider and more diverse range of traumatic symptoms that can show up once a human being has been exposed to traumatic situations.   

Izabela Viskupova, LLM, M.A. Psychology

There is a way: People don’t have to “learn how to live with trauma”. The road to healing trauma and restoring wellbeing is accessible. 

There is no fault in our design

Human beings are not meant nor anatomically designed to be tortured by trauma and carry it forever. Just like the rest of our animal family, we have the wonderful ability to restore our balance and come back to wellbeing.

How Does This Work?

Trauma means that something threatening happened to you and you had no way to escape that threat. You froze…You felt trapped…You experienced helplessness.

Trauma means that your body reacts as if the threat is still out there (even in cases when it’s long gone now). Like danger is constantly imminent. Your system doesn’t know that you’re safe now. You keep operating in survival mode, always looking for ways to escape or fight the threat. 

Gentle Trauma Release© work is based on the premise that the true antidote for releasing trauma is the feeling of safety. All Gentle Trauma Release© healing protocols and practices are designed to create the feeling of safety in the body. 



Here is how Gentle Trauma Release© works in simple terms.

Simply put : Once the body feels safe again, it turns off the survival response and the traumatic symptoms (aka all sorts of issues resulting from trauma) dissolve.    



This video explains what is possible with Gentle Trauma Release©.

In a nutshell: To fully release trauma, the body has to be engaged. Not in any way. In the right way. Gentle Trauma Release© helps the body feel like all is well in the world…like you’re safe again. And that is how trauma is released from the body.     

Healing isTrauma Resolution

Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding. The only way to tell if you let go of trauma is by looking at what happened with your traumatic symptoms. It’s really quite simple…Healing trauma means that traumatic symptoms go away.

How Can This Help?

 Here are some examples of what trauma resolution can look like in practical terms:

Survival  mode will cease to be your default way of being. You’ll regain the ability to relax and to experience joy and happiness.  

No more being tortured by old memories and painful emotional flashbacks. These will not come back to haunt you once released from your system. 

Physical  symptoms that are clearly trauma-related will disappear or ease.

Future  will look bright again. You will regain control of yourself and your life. You will start looking forward to the wonderful experiences your future brings you. 

Resilience will become part of your way of being. You’ll be able to cope with life even when “life happens”. You’ll tap into an immense well of natural resourcefulness that you never thought you had.

Moving forward with your life will become possible again, whether it’s projects, goals, dreams or aspirations. Where you saw obstacles, you’ll see options. You’ll feel motivated and invigorated to move forward.

You will become self-empowered. You’ll stop the victimization cycle and develop a solid, healthy sense of self. This in turn will enhance self-esteem, confidence and  self-worth.

Feeling whole  will finally become available to you. You will be able to come back home to yourself, connect with the truth of who you are and live your life from that place.

It’s natural but…Trauma is a natural response to a threatful situation. But that doesn’t mean you have to carry trauma in your body indefinitely.  



Gentle Trauma Release© recognizes a wider range of symptoms one can experience as a result of trauma. 

Widening our perspective : The rigid and fixed diagnostic criteria of PTSD and other trauma-related disorders are often not an accurate representation of the range of symptoms that human beings can experience after trauma.  

Time may not heal all wounds...

Time is not a factor when it comes to healing trauma. In fact, prolonged living with trauma can leave one feeling like that is the only way to live… There is no need to wait. Healing can start now. See for yourself!

Before and After



This video demonstrates that the Gentle Trauma Release© can work quickly.



This video shows how Gentle Trauma Release© supported the client through an unexpected, painful experience.



This video shows how the Gentle Trauma Release© works short-term and long-term.



All practitioners go through their own trauma-release journey before taking this work to clients. And they have their own healing happen.



This video shows how the Gentle Trauma Release Method© works even on more chronic issues.



There is a fairly common phobia that most people don’t actually know is a phobia. The GTR Method© was able to resolve it in one single session.



The GTR© Practitioner featured in this video was able to help a client release lifelong anxiety in just three Gentle Trauma Release© sessions.



This video showcases a more difficult case where the Gentle Trauma Release© is a powerful option.



Watch how a GTR© Practitioner was able to heal her own chronic pain that lasted for 8 long years. Today, she no longer uses any pain medication.



In this video, you’ll meet a client who found her own sense of worth along her way toward healing, using the GTR Method© .



This video features a GTR© Practitioner who was able to help a rather young client get rid of a very uncomfortable phobia.



Even a case of body dysmorphia can easily have its origin in trauma. This means that the GTR Method© can help. 



Watch how a GTR© Practitioner was able to help the client tackle ill health and find confidence and self-esteem along the way as well.



Getting a scary medical diagnosis or suffering from a serious illness is a classic example of trauma. 



Having Gentle Trauma Release Method© in your pocket makes it a no-brainer to take good care of yourself.



Here are a couple of examples where chronic pain was resolved through self-administration of the Gentle Trauma Release© healing protocols.



Here are some healing stories featuring our Gentle Trauma Release © Practitioners.



Here are some more healing stories featuring our Gentle Trauma Release © Practitioners.



Here are some more healing stories featuring our Gentle Trauma Release © Practitioners.

The amazing news is: Your body has an inherent ability to release trauma, let go of the emotional suffering caused by trauma and overcome the adverse effects of trauma. 

How Is This Different ?

Gentle Trauma Release© combines the power of cutting-edge science and time-tested therapeutic and healing modalities. It integrates a vast amount of trauma-related knowledge and techniques in a way that is purposefully optimized to deliver the most powerful healing results in a time efficient and long-lasting way. 

In a nutshell, Gentle Trauma Release© is designed with the client in mind and is therefore…



You can count on it because it works where it says it works.



When you follow the instructions, it will work every time. 



The client can easily follow along and “take it home with them”. 



The healing protocols and interventions are easy to understand. You feel comfortable applying them.



Healing is not just about clearing old traumas. It’s also about learning how to maintain and cultivate a trauma-free life.


Long lasting

Old traumas don’t come back to bother you again and you remain symptom-free. 


Time Efficient

Trauma release starts right away and it doesn’t take years or months. 

Bigger Than Us...

Gentle Trauma Release© is bigger than any of the individual practitioners. It is a movement. A movement devoted to making this world a healthier, safer, kinder place to live…for all of us.

Mission and Values

All Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioners gathered on this website are committed to decreasing emotional suffering caused by trauma in people worldwide.

Our mission is to create a kinder and safer world for all by increasing emotional wellbeing in individual people. One person at a time. One Gentle Trauma Release© session at a time.

To this end, all certified Gentle Trauma Release© Practitioners honor the following values:

Integrity  All practitioners are bound by a code of ethics which guides them in practicing with honesty and with the client’s best interest in mind. 

Kindness When the need arises to speak or act towards another, the practitioners aspire to do so with as much kindness as possible. 

Self -Empowerment  is one of the ultimate aspirations for the client. All practitioners aim to cultivate the client’s self-empowerment, including their natural resourcefulness, resilience and a true sense of self-worth. 

Support  All practitioners strive to create a professional environment where one supports another, valuing collaboration and nurturing relationships as opposed to competitiveness. 

There is life beyond  trauma: So many people are not even aware that what they go through is trauma based, let alone knowing how to do something about it. With Gentle Trauma Release©, you now have options.